Thursday Press #49: 3 biggest mistakes to avoid on Pinterest
[6 OCT 2022] plus the small town witchy book rec of your dreams
It's hard to do anything seriously wrong on Pinterest.
I mean, just take a look at all the different Pinterest advice on the internet now! You'll get a different answer for everything.
Every strategy call and training session I have usually ends with a reminder sort of like that.
Because beyond all of the best strategies and tactics, my number one recommendations to anyone curious about using Pinterest for their business is just to try.
That's not to say that there aren't mistakes you should avoid.
There are, and here are the 3 biggest ones.
1. Publishing all of your pins in one day, then disappearing
I'm all for batching your work, but the best way to distribute your Pinterest content is slowly and consistently.
Throwing up a bunch of pins to the same URLs in the same day is an easy way to get flagged as spam, which will be counterintuitive to the whole growth thing.
Use Pinterest's native scheduler or a third-party app (I like Tailwind) to drip content out over time.
2. Only pinning to your home page or a single sales page
Maybe you don't have a blog (yet, right?) or you really want to push traffic to your course sales page…
I love the enthusiasm! But only publishing the same content and URL over and over again isn't giving Pinterest or your audience a lot to work with.
Fresh content is king on Pinterest, so switch it up! Get your other website pages involved (About page, Services page, blog categories, etc.). Or if you don't have another link to send pins to, publish more idea pins to build your Pinterest audience in the meantime.
3. Never trying Pinterest marketing at all
I'm the biggest culprit for getting in my own way. I want things to be done “just right” and to “feel ready.” If this is your approach to Pinterest, let me convince you to change your mind.
You don't have to have a perfect content strategy, lead magnet funnel, and launch plan to take Pinterest seriously. Heck, you don't even have to take it that seriously if you don't want to.
You also don't have to wait until you can afford to outsource. 👀
One of the best things you can do to jumpstart your Pinterest marketing is to just start. Experiment and have fun.
& if you are ready to outsource and have someone (ahem, me) take all of this off your plate for you, you can get all the details here!